Fractal Mainnet Bootstrap Program
Eligibility Check
Addresses that meet any of the following
hold UniSat OG Pass
hold UniSat Prime Pass
have interacted early with the brc20-swap module on Bitcoin Mainnet
hold balances on both Bitcoin Mainnet and Fractal Testnet in UniSat Wallet*
10 FB
Within the last 90 days, addresses that
have made purchases exceeding 0.001 BTC on UniSat Marketplace
ranked among the top 5000 on UniSat Marketplace
5 FB
15 FB
Within the last 90 days, addresses that
have earned more than 10 UniSat Points
ranked among the top 5000 earners of UniSat Points
5 FB
15 FB
  • Snapshot time: 2024-09-04 08:00:00 (UTC+0)
    • Bitcoin Mainnet Block Height: 859817
    • Fractal Testnet Block Height: 69637
  • Time range of the last 90 days
    • 2024-06-06 08:00:00 ~ 2024-09-04 08:00:00 (UTC+0)
  • Balance threshold in UniSat Wallet
    • 0.001 BTC on Bitcoin Mainnet
    • 0.002 tFB on Fractal Testnet